Learn In Addition To Scout Wonderful Visual On Samr Equally A Framework For Teaching 3.0

March , 2014
The notion of education3.0 is relatively novel together with I personally even together with thus tin non clearly demarcate the boundaries betwixt educational activity 2.0 together with educational activity 3.0 for the lines separating them are together with thus invisibly fine. However, every bit Dr Jackie Gernstein argues, " education3.0 is based on the belief that content is freely together with readily available every bit is feature of spider web 3.0. It is self-directed, interest-based learning, where problem-solving, invention together with inventiveness effort education. Education 3.0 is likewise most the iii Cs: connectors, creators, together with constructivists.

I likewise honour it interesting how Dr Jackie linked the unlike SAMR levels to these iii notions of educational activity I talked most above. I invite yous to bring a expect at her infographic together with likewise read her article for to a greater extent than details.


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